Never Ignore A Cracked Tooth

At Parker & Pennington Dentistry, our goal is to help our patients achieve optimal oral health. We encourage our patients to be mindful of their oral health between visits to our office by visually checking their teeth and using their tongue to feel the teeth and gums for any changes or signs of a problem. One particular problem that may be visible to the naked eye is a crack in the tooth enamel. A cracked tooth can result from a number of circumstances, such as:

Is This Bad Habit Harming Your Oral Health?

Do you wake up in the morning and feel discomfort in your jaw and are having a hard time figuring out what could be the problem? If so, you may be suffering from problems related to a condition known as bruxism. Bruxism is the term used to describe a condition where a patient repeatedly clenches and grinds their teeth unconsciously. If not treated in a timely fashion, bruxism can lead to serious oral health complications and the need for additional treatments. One of the biggest problems with this condition is that patients are often unaware of it until they are diagnosed by a dentist because bruxism commonly occurs during sleep.