After his new veneers, Kyle can’t stop smiling.
“I can’t remember the last time I ‘Smiled.’ In fact, I am 29 years old and I have no recollection of smiling. I’ve made a conscious effort to not smile because of my teeth. It bothered me more than anything, and I didn’t think it would even be possible to do anything about my smile without dentures or some other extreme measure. Finally, after having countless social events to attend, I decided I would look into getting something done. Drs. Parker and Pennington came up in one of my search results and their office was highly recommended by their patient reviews.
“My first consultation was amazing, even before I ever made it to the Doctor’s chair. The staff was outstanding, professional – customer service at its best. Dr. Pennington consulted me on my options and was as excited as I was about my interest in cosmetic dentistry. He was eager to help me and said ‘we can do this!’ It was the first time a conversation with a dentist about my teeth ever ended with me having an option other than dentures, braces or an extreme procedure. Veneers were my option and they were priced well. It was a quick process with very few appointments.
“I couldn’t believe it. Just a few appointments later and I can`t stop smiling! Speaking with people feels so much better now that I`m no longer self-conscious about my teeth. I can’t believe people take smiling for granted. It’s something I’ve never been able to do and Dr. Parker and Dr. Pennington gave me my smile at nearly 30 years old. I wish I could have found them sooner. Other dentist discouraged me and gave me no realistic options. Drs. Parker and Pennington were just as excited as I was and treated me as if it were their teeth. Countless times throughout out my procedure they were so excited, I wasn’t sure if I was getting the new teeth or they were.
“I’m active duty in the military and after my procedure was complete I had to also be ‘checked out’ by the military dentist. Several dentists were called in to see my teeth and they could not believe I had veneers. They thought they had the wrong dental records for me. That was one of the defining moments for me. I can’t express my gratitude for what was given to me. I have so many smiles to make up for and have never felt better. Don’t wait any longer. Drs. Parker and Pennington can do for you what they did for me, give me the smile I wasn’t born with.”